Welcome to the second cookbook of the Digital Leap project!
About the lessons
In these lessons we talk about how the culture sector can use digital tools to explore new ways to create, to attract new audiences and its potential as another source of income.
Experts in the fields of storytelling, sound, streaming, augmented reality and virtual reality shares their knowledge in how to make digital productions engaging to an audience.
Navigate the lessons using the menu in the sidebar or the links at the bottom of each page.

Cookbook text & editing by Christina Simpson (Danscentrum Sverige)
Based on material by Alison Norrington, Mantautas Krukauskas, Corinne Linder, Björn Falkevik, Adam Wittsell, Simas Chomentauskas, Vaidas Gecevičius, Dimitri Sourzac.
Videography, editing and sound by Christina Simpson
Photos by Dainius Putinas for Lithuanian Dance Information Centre.
Cookbook icons by Fanny Senocq
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.