Adam Whittsell AR – working with experts You should bring in professionals when you have something you really want to develop I think. Something that you have explored, you have some references to things. Just sitting down with the professionals saying, I really want to do something with AR maybe, is not a very interesting start of a dialog. And even if you don’t ... I mean, even if you’re not going to learn the tools yourself, the programing language etc. You need to take it seriously and understand the medium. Have references, see what other people have done in the space. List artists you look up to, or dance ensembles, who are pushing the boundaries, who have done interesting things. Or, it could also be, which is a common thing because this is a new medium, why are people not doing interesting things. I think you could do all of of these things. Are these possible things to do. Then you would bring in an expert and say ok so – I am thinking about this. I have a thought about how you can extend this medium in this way. Is it possible? Would it be something you’re interested in developing? And then, have something to bring to the table that is interesting more that just a general thing. Or you being stressed about not being on the train of new tech. You know, that is not a very interesting start of a discussion. So, come with something. Or, I have this thing that I think might work in a digital context. How could I translate it? So it’s like a specific thing you can start developing with someone where you have your own artistic expression. Or piece as part of the discussion and not being the newbie that doesn’t understand anything. You know, that’s not a very ... it will not get you very far in the discussions. Then you will be owned by the people knowing the technology And not have a, you know, an equal seat at the table.